Thursday, July 29, 2010

...evolution would mean jack shit

A pretty girl walks by. The man honks his horn.
A pretty girl walks by. The man comments 'just' loud enough.
A pretty girl sits down. The man sticks his tongue out and wags it around.
A pretty girl walks by. The man whistles.
A pretty girl walks by. The man stares obviously and awkwardly

Really, out of all of evolution, this is the best that 'man' can come up with??? So easy, even a man could do it is more like it. 

I was walking with my sister when she told me a story about how she was enjoying her coffee when this skinny Where's Waldo type came up to her and asked her out to dinner. He proclaimed that he couldn't let himself go back to his office without knowing that he had tried his best and had in fact left no stone unturned. My sister thought this to be funny. I thought this to be bold. She thought him to be creepy. I thought him to be a knight in shining armor; but not for my sister of course. More like a knight in shining armor for men. 

What ever happened to a guy noticing a pretty girl and doing the 'proper' thing: walk up to her and start a, God forbid I even say it, a conversation. Do men even know how to hold one anymore? Do guys even know how to call girls anymore or is it true that they have resorted to being pussies who only know how to use their thumb and forefinger when texting. When was the last time a guy CALLED to ask you on a date or for that matter did it in person?? I will bet my freshly toasted chocolate chip bagel you cant.

If more guys acted like men rather than boys with their ding dongs out and their tongues flapping in the wind more girls might take them serious.

The thing that gets me going even more about guys,  is that when a girl gets a boyfriend they gripe.."why did you choose himmm?" "He is such a loser""Your going to regret it".. Really? Am I going to regret it? Am I going to regret being with the guy who actually made some kind of an effort to get and keep my attention? Because the way I look at it, is that he is more of a man than any of the other chimpanzees that sat around and watched. A real man sees a pretty woman and flex's the muscles that count.. the vocal cords.

Real men get real women. Real women get real men.
Boys attract sluts and whores. Sluts and whores attract boys.
What are you?

Monday, July 26, 2010

Losing Susie: I'm not in this alone!

There is one blog that needs to be added as a favorite to everyones blog library or at least daily readings.

Losing Susie: I'm not in this alone!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

..confused. They would be confused.

Normal vs. Normal
Scenerio #1: A girl walks up to your boyfriend and says the following: "If we had sex you would break me in half".. and then squeezes his ass
Scenerio #2: You see an IM to your boyfriend from a married older woman that says: "I am NAKED getting into the shower. I just thought you would want to know!"
Scenerio #3: Your mom is home and your boyfriend is openly peeing with the door open to the bathroom with your mom in the next room..
Scenerio #4: You are laying out by the pool, topless,  with all your friends, topless, and all your boyfriends/husbands.

So. Whats the reaction to this? Naturally, of course, to scenerios 1-2 you would want to freak out on the girl. Maybe beat her face in like a squashed lemon on a hot day. Scenerios 3 and 4 might just be a little awkward. So now, the reveal. Scenerios 1-4 are all different, real life scenerios, of norms in other cutures. No wonder guys are so messed up. They go from one culture to the next and get total extremes. In one country woman run around topless, in another country women openly talk about sex to every and all men, in another country peeing and being naked in front of other people is totally 'ok' and yet, still, in another country, my American country, sex is dirty and illegal unless your married or practicing putting condoms on bananas. Cheeseburgers are revered more in America than the human body; and distrubingly just as cheap as a downtown prostitute.

Men look at European girls like American women look at icecream. It is everywhere but illegal to touch. The french have more words for sex than Americans have positions. In fact studies have shown that Europeans actually enjoy sex more than Americans because of the way the human body is portrayed: beautiful. Imagine if in America we portrayed women as beautiful.. we may end up with more 'healthy' looking naturally large breasted women rather than skeletons running around with size H is for Heidi breasts and bleached out hair. We might end up with more confidence in young girls rather than make up slathered 13 year olds thinking their thighs are 'fat'. We might just end up with more happy marriages and relationships rather than a 50% divorce rate.

Imagine a world where a guy could appreciate a pretty flower without being slapped across the face. Imagine a world where one guy only had eyes for one woman. Imagine a world where people practiced what they actually learned about in church.

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