Have you ever seen a dog drunk? They merely just fall asleep.
Boys on the other hand become complete idiotic ugly wrecks. Gone are the days of a social glass of wine or a nice cold pint to finish off the work day. In today's world one is just the beginning. You haven't had a good time unless you have finished off the entire bottle, the sun is coming up, or the keg is shot. It's pathetic. What ever happened to just getting a good buzz, having a good time, hitting the sack around 1-2am, and then waking up NOT hung over? What seriously happened to those days? Who decided that looking and acting like a complete moron was even cool? Honestly, it is pathetic and UNATTRACTIVE.

Furthermore, when did alcohol become used as a replacement for a ball sack? Honest to God a girl (these days) can go stand by the beach, sit on a bench, sit at a coffee shop, sit at a restaurant, sit in the middle of times square and the only people who are going to approach her are the homeless beggars, drunk idiots who haven't gone to bed yet, gangsta's, and weirdos. Pathetic.
A guy cant even approach a girl and strike up a common conversation of 'How are you?" without needing a few shots or just being blacked out drunk. So much for the women's movement being just for women.. the men have started to jump on board. Maybe that is why guys are so homophobic..the fact that a gay guy actually has balls enough to hit on someone, (cough) another man, freaks them out.. at least they are hitting on someone.
My advice to guys.. grow a ball sack and act like a man. Stop using alcohol as your means to a good time and learn how to have fun using your brain and self control (that is if you have any brain cells left from drinking). There is nothing more attractive then a confident man who knows how to say no to 'one more drink', can speak English at midnight, and who enjoys being useful the next morning.
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