Tuesday, March 2, 2010

...there'd still be a down side

So here I am, 10:21 at night, craving chocolate. Craving garlic cheese bread. Craving the cooling chocolate peanut butter cheesecake my mother made for me sitting mere feet from me yet still out of reach due to the law of baking. Don't worry, I settled for a bag of peanut M & M's and a cup of hot tea, or two.

Is that how it always is though and if it is should we maybe be worried?...things are either out of reach or so good that they are bad. You can never just have ice cream without calories or clothes without debt or a glass of wine without a hang over or the beach without sand in all the wrong places or a beer without a gut. Do all good things come with a downside? 

The answer, unfortunately, is yes. You cant have The Garden of Eden without an apple tree; even God knew what he was doing. Life is all about the temptations. It is all about self control, appreciating the good, and knowing what is best for you.  It all comes down to one decision, one bite, one night, one shot...If the apple could have spoken it would have still said "Eat me I dare you"...

Just a side note..who listens to a talking snake? I mean really... I thought people were crazy today..that must have been one heck of a snake. I know for a fact if I was standing by a tree and some snake came crawling over and started talking to me Id be running in the opposite direction even before it got the first hiss of a word out. Come on Eve..really? A snake? You fell for a snake..a talking snake. No wonder women fall for dumb idiot guys.. we listened to a damn snake trying to tell us to eat a piece of fruit. Not a bowl of ice cream, not a glass of wine, not a piece of cake... AN APPLE.

So, make the right choices. Appreciate the good in your life. Choose your friends wisely. Don't sleep with other peoples boyfriends. And stop counting calories-- just eat smaller portions. Oh, and go to church.

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