....they'd get the hint when you didnt want to play
I love going out to eat with friends. I love having great conversation with my friends. I love having a cold beer while going out to eat and having great conversation with my friends. What I dont like is a breed I am going to call Roland; he just doesnt get it. Roland is an oversocializer who refers to co-workers as cow-orkers. Roland doesnt get it that when girls nod their heads and smile back without so much as giving even a hello means PLEASE GO AWAY. It in no way translates as "Hi Roland, How is your day?, Please have a seat right next to me and join in our conversation because we have waited all day to talk to you and I especially love it when you unknowingly spit in my face!"
I cannot stand that. Are girls as dumb as boys? I truly hope not. Like I said a few blogs before.. ( I hate that word blog).. what ever happened to just growing a pair of balls..sending over a drink.. and waiting for the reaction. THEN, once the reaction is givin, taking it for what it is; YES OR NO. INTERESTED OR NOT. If a girl is interested in you.. you will know. In fact she might even request to be your friend on Facebook and if your lucky maybe she will leave a comment on your page. And girls, I am sorry to say, but as the movie and the book and now the blog suggests, if he isnt calling, texting, facebooking, myspacing, or knocking on your door he isnt interested. So please, lets save face and valuable texts and add class to our wonderful loving honest gender who can do no wrong and take it for what it is. If God could come down and say "He is not the one".. He would. Unfortunately though that cloud isnt going to come rolling down anytime soon.
Dogs arent like that. I mean I have an oversocializer named Lucky. She, however, does not refer to coworkers as cow-orkers and does not spit in my face. I might have to beat her if she did. Unable to talk she turns to throwing her ball at you over and over and over and just when you think the ball cannot be thrown anymore.. it comes at you again. It is a problem. However, as soon as I am done with her shinanigans I just put my hand up and say "No". Problem solved.
Can you imagine being at a bar and the guy comes up like some begging dog and you put your hand up "No". HA, I can see the reaction now and I actually am excited to maybe try it. If only I had a pair of balls. It is sad, yes, but desperate times call for desperate measures and until the age of white horses and handsome charming knights comes back, or a pack of werewolves and vampires overruns our country, or even better and handsome vampire or werewolf on a white horse!, I dont see this problem ending any time soon. And PS if you know the man riding this horse in the picture SEND HIM MY WAY.
Please feel free to send me suggestions on any topics.. Tillia510@gmail.com
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