Friday, January 1, 2010

...I would never be happy with just one

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! I thought it was never going to get here. I swear, as I was standing outside hiding at midnight from the kitchen staff, the cheering, the cop car sirens, and the honking must have lasted for 5 minutes..I guess I am not alone in rushing in 2010. Although, let me say, as great as my mood was this morning walking into Starbucks and finding all the Christmas decorations had vanished slightly depressed me and I almost turned around and went into the bar next door for a shot or 5. that necessary Starbucks; what is one more day of celebrating.

I wonder if anyone else hides at 12:00 or am I alone? I can honestly say I have never kissed a guy at midnight in my whole life except for 3 times and those were spent kissing a boyfriend. I dont understand the hype. Around the time the ball drops most people cant even see straight so that "glistening" on your midnight victims mouth may actually be an exploded herpes of the mouth or something; scary. I find grabbing a few beers and ditching it to the nearest bathroom or escaping to the alley much more fun. 

Last night I felt like an animal being stocked. Who wants to be stocked for 10 minutes leading up till midnight. I felt like that show.."I survived" only I didnt survive a bear attack I survived a pack of lions who may or may not have had herpes and I was the poor African Buffalo.. whose to say. Gross. 

So, cheers to everyone in the new year. The  "She Wolf" is on the prowl. ( To those of you who know about the T-Shirt its from Nordstrom's.. Go, There, Now).

 So, yes, it is true. If boys were dogs I would never be happy with just one. That is why I have two. That is why I risk my life along highways to save them, seek out the pound to rescue them, and dream about someday owning 15 of them. Dogs will never let you down and can join my She Wolf Pack any day. The more the merrier. 

 Now get off the damn computer, go drink, eat, watch the Rose Bowl, and have fun! And remember, always make the guy text you first.

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