Sunday, April 18, 2010

...Women would be there raw hide chew toy

What do you call an M & M who goes to school? A Smartie

Dogs are obsessed with treats. All dogs are obsessed with rawhide chews. If boys were dogs women would be their raw hide chews. We are drooled over, fought over, worn down, put on the back burner to something better and most importantly obsessed over.

You don't ask to be a chew toy but we, nonetheless, just are. We come in all shapes and sizes. Some of us are worth our money and others, well, are cheap, easy and a dime a dozen. There is nothing we can do about it. It is as it always will be. We cannot pick which category we fall into although some are going to happen regardless. At the end of the day it is what we are willing to put up with and what we are willing to go up against. Our only hope is to be the top of the line brand that leaves them obsessed, wanting more and too tough to chew up. Not the cheap o' dollar general mock leather Village Bicycle chewy buried three feet under, swallowed and then stolen by the alley mutt dog with rabies.

We are women. We are not toys. Wait, I take that back. We are women, we are fun toys when we want to be not when we are forced to be, we are strong as hell and do not under any circumstance deserve to be slobbered over (although it is confident building), put on the back burner to a plastic stuffed idiot whose only worth is to have her head chewn off and although you might bury us we will always keep you coming back wanting more.

PS. If you are a good friend you will tell your confused friend NOT to wear that hooker looking outfit to the bars. Women are not objects nor are our tits, legs, ass, calves or stomachs. Please cover up you are giving the already confused and dumb gender even less to think about and even less options for those of us on the
prowl. Thanks.
PSS The truth hurts.

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