What a great holiday!.. for guys. I can only imagine being a guy on Halloween... as a friend of mine said..
"as you get older Halloween gets better because the girls continue to wear less and less!"
Guys must wake up on Halloween the way a 6 year old wakes up on Christmas.. bright eyed and bushy tail (with hard on)... let the day begin!! Here a slut, there a slut, every where a slut slut!
Secretly, I think girls wake up and try to imagine the skankiest outfit for Halloween. No longer are the days where you live out your adult childhood dream.. (princess, bride, cat, etc). Now our thoughts focus around pasties and what kind of costume can be created out of 5 inches of fabric. They should just start us early from childhood.."Sweetie, this year your going to be Princess Slutbag".. at least by the time we hit 15 we might actually have some clothes on around this time of year!
When do girls get there holiday? No, Valentines Day does NOT count. I want a holiday where guys dress up in all plaid, play guitars, have shaggy hair, are not conceded dip shits, and ride horses.
Ya, Ill keep dreaming.